
Posts Tagged ‘siblings’

Yet another attack on stay-at-home parents. You know, we just can’t get it right. I mean, imagine wanting to take your baby out and about and to meet other children whilst trying a new activity like…swimming. Or yoga. What a terrible way to bond…

Parent and toddler groups are now under attack in the latest study from a ‘childcare expert’  who, forgive my bluntness, would do better to put down her pen and go and actually do some parenting rather than spend so much time criticising parents.

Apparently we should be singing lullabies from dawn til dusk (group activities and singing are somehow mutually exclusive).  I must be a freak. I love singing lullabies to T, and I also love getting out and about (although admittedly not simultaneously unless we are in the car with the windows very definitely closed – no one else should have to hear that!). I’ve never done baby yoga (I’m not bendy and don’t covet bendy-ness) but I like the idea of something for both parent and baby. Staying at home all day, as this ‘expert’ recommends is hardly conducive to good physical health and, perhaps more importantly, good mental health.

And an hour a day of playing with other children can hardly be called over-stimulation. Otherwise we’ll have to cull all siblings.

Here’s the article:



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